Buttonwood | Campaigns

Buttonwood Campaigns

Client: Buttonwood
Role: Creative Direction / Brand Strategy / Design


Buttonwood came up against multiple challenges, with increased pressures from competitors in a flooded market and low brand awareness.  The company needed to establish a unique identity and space to differentiate the brand from the many new faces and old competitors battling for market share.



Buttonwood is a firm loaded with experienced people.  But the brand was virtually unknown.  Young but powerful, and with a keen sense of humor, Buttonwood wanted to make a splash.  The idea of young super heros became a guiding force.  The notion that we take our clients very seriously but can still have fun. The campaign focused on humor, word play and a sense of bold color with attention grabbing, memorable imagery.





Education on what we do and how we do it was a central theme. Often the people that order our products don’t know how they are made or where they come from.  Helping our customers to learn and have fun, with no direct sales pitch was our goal.  Brand awareness and customer delight were number one priority.




Responsive and adaptive web and email experiences allowed our customers to find us anywhere that was convenient for them. Exploring content in a cab, on a bus or on the sofa, we targeted content that was fun and light.





With bold color and bright visuals we set ourselves apart form the crowd. Printed materials were customized for clients so they could see the latest work they ordered and what their colleagues were doing too.  Our products are a topic of conversation and competition and we try to play into that as much as possible, partnering with our clients to assure they get what they want and come out on top.






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